Thursday, August 7, 2014

Creative Ways to Reuse Newspaper

Boro-Wide Recycling Corp.
Maspeth, NY 718-416-1656
Do you sit down to read the newspaper every morning? For many people, reading the newspaper is part of their daily routine, whether it be in the morning with breakfast, on their lunch break at work, or even as they sit down to relax at night. Since newspapers are published everyday, by the end of the week, stacks of old and unwanted issues end up on the curb for the next week's recycling. But did you know that there are many ways to reuse your old newspapers? We'll tell you how!

The following is a list of 5 creative ways that you can reuse your newspapers before disposing of them:
  1. Clean Your Windows: Evidently, newspaper is a great alternative to common cleaning products when it comes time to clean your windows. In fact, you can use newspaper to clean any glass surface!
  2. Protect Table Surfaces: When engaging in arts and crafts activities, use old newspapers to cover your tables in order to protect your surface from markers, paint, glitter, glue and more. 
  3. Wrapping Paper: During the holiday seasons, wrap your gifts in newspaper instead of traditional store bought paper! It will keep your gift concealed just as well.
  4. Cage Liners: Are you the proud owner of a new family pet? Use old newspaper scraps to line the bottom of pet cages, or lay some pieces on the floor to help avoid accidents when training your pet.
  5. Shoe Stuffer: Do you want to keep your shoes in the same shape they were when they came out of the box? Crumple up a few pieces of newspaper and stuff them on the inside of your shoes before putting them in your closet to keep their shape.
Did you read the newspaper today? Will you read it tomorrow? Keep these ideas in mind the next time you pick up your local paper!

At Boro Wide Recycling, we work to keep our planet safe by providing comprehensive recycling services to commercial and residential customers. Join us in our efforts! Contact us to learn how we can help you in your recycling efforts, and don't forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter to stay up to date with the latest news in recycling efforts and eco-friendly tips. 

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