Friday, February 22, 2013

Guidelines for Recycling Bottles and Cans!

Maspeth, NY 718-416-1656 

Do you recycle your bottles and cans? We hope you do! Here are a few guidelines for recycling your bottles and cans!

Let us know if you have any additional tips on how you recycle on our Facebook wall!
  • Leave labels on bottles. Discard plastic caps and lids, recycle all metal.
  • Avoid pests and odors by rinsing all recyclables before tossing them in your recycle bin.
  • Save space by flattening beverage cartons and plastic bottles.
  • Recycle aluminum foil used for wrapping, not for cooking (unless food and grease wash off easily).

(Guidelines courtesy of!)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Do You Reuse As Many Items As You Can? We've Got Reuse Tips That Can Help!

Maspeth, NY 718-416-1656 

Do you reuse as many items as you can? Are you unsure of what items to reuse and which to toss? If so, we’re here to provide you with a few tips for reusing!

You can really help out the environment by reusing items instead of tossing them in the garbage!

Let us know what you think about the reuse tips, courtesy of, on our Facebook page, linked HERE! 
  • Bring a reusable coffee cup to work instead of using disposable paper or plastic cups
  • Reuse the back of bills, letters and envelopes for shopping lists or messages for family members
  • Bring your lunch in a reusable bag or container
  • Return extra clothes hangers laying around to your local dry cleaner
  • Reuse glass jars and plastic margarine, yogurt, or Chinese takeout containers to store your leftovers
  • Choose plastic tableware and plates instead of paper and reuse as much as possible
  • Take a reusable tote bag with you on shopping trips – grocery or retail
  • Reuse wrapping paper, bows and gift boxes whenever possible

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Let Boro-Wide Recycling Help Make Disposing Your Waste Easy!

Maspeth, NY 718-416-1656 

Boro-Wide recycling can help you make waste disposal easy! There are tons of homeowners, renters and other residential customers who depend on Boro-Wide every day to make the disposal of their waste as easy as possible!

Are you planning on cleaning out your basement or attic soon? Or maybe you are cleaning up your backyard or property? Boro-Wide can provide you with the disposal solution you’re looking for! We supply customers with roll-off containers that can be placed in either your driveway or on the street. Our experts here at Boro-Wide will collect your waste and transfer it to our construction and demolition station where everything is recycled properly!

Take a look at our available roll-off container sizes! Call us today at 718-416-1656 for more information! 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

NYC Officials Consider Banning Styrofoam

Maspeth, NY 718-416-1656 

New York City officials are considering banning plastic foam containers from being sold in NYC as an effort to increase the city’s recycling rate.

Many NYC takeout locations use polystyrene or Styrofoam products to package up takeout for many customers. However, these containers can take years to break down when put in the trash.

Department of Sanitation Deputy Commissioner Ron Gonen said, “The environmental benefits of recycling are obvious. What we’re trying to do is make clear to everyone why it’s important from an economic perspective.”

To read the full article, CLICK HERE.

What are your thoughts on NYC possibly banning Styrofoam containers? Let us know on our Facebook page, linked HERE

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

RecycleMania 2013 is Underway!

Maspeth, NY 718-416-1656 

RecycleMania 2013 is underway! Colleges across the nation are now back at it competing to see who can reduce, reuse the most on-campus waste!

For eight-weeks straight, running alongside the NCAA basketball tournament, colleges will be competing to increase recycling on campus and get as many students and staff involved as possible!

Colleges participating in RecycleMania compete in various categories to see who can recycle the largest amount of paper, cardboard, cans and bottles, food waste and so on.

For more information on RecycleMania, CLICK HERE!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Plastic Bottles To Make An Appearance During Super Bowl Commercials!

Maspeth, NY 718-416-1656 

Watch the video below that’s scheduled to premiere during Super Bowl this weekend. 

At home soda making company, Soda Stream, has spent millions of dollars to earn a spot to air their new add bashing plastic bottles during this weekend’s Super Bowl. The ad shows plastic bottles disappearing with a loud noise all while saying, “With Soda Stream, we could have saved 500 million bottles on game day alone. If you love the bubbles, set them free.”

What do you think of this Soda Steam ad? Let us know your thoughts on our Facebook page, linked HERE