Tuesday, March 31, 2015

5 Simple Ways To Go Green

Boro-Wide Recycling Corp.
Maspeth, NY 718-416-1656

Did you know that Earth Day is just a little less than one month away? Although it is still technically March, it certainly isn't too early to get started on your celebration efforts. To help you become more environmentally conscious next month and for all of the months following, we put together a list of five simple (and we really do mean simple) ways that you can go green; check it out below:
Tips to go green from Boro Wide Recycling
  • Always turn the lights off when you leave the room. Even when you know you'll be returning shortly, every second that your light is on means more energy is being used. As you walk out of each room you enter, be sure to flick the switch from on to off.
  • Unplug all chargers as soon as your electronics reach 100%. Even though it can be convenient to leave phone and computer charges in the wall for next time, once again energy continues to be used even though something is not connected on the other end.
  • If you will be purchasing a new home appliance, ask the representative you are speaking with if they can show you all options with an ENERGY STAR label. Products are given this label if they meet certain energy efficiency standards, so you'll be able to rest assured knowing your home is on its way to being an energy efficient one.
  • Address plumbing leaks as soon as they start to develop. While one drip every few seconds might not seem like a big deal, when it all adds up, you could waste thousands of gallons per year!
  • Last but not least, always recycle when possible and buy recycled products. If each and every one of us recycled just one more thing a day, we would be saving more energy, conserve more resources, and continue to limit the amount of space that gets taken over in landfills.
It's that simple! By making even the slightest changes to your routine habits, you can benefit the environment in big ways - you may even see a slight improvement in your utility bills, too!

Boro Wide Recycling is a full service recycling and waste management provider. For more information on how we can help you with your recycling efforts, check us out at www.borowide.com or contact us at (718) 416-1656. 

Monday, March 30, 2015

How To Make Eco Friendly Easter Eggs

Boro-Wide Recycling Corp.
Maspeth, NY 718-416-1656

How to make eco friendly Easter eggs
On the days leading up to Easter, many families can be found dyeing a carton of eggs that are to be hidden for the big hunt on Sunday morning. However, that certainly isn't the only approach to Easter's tradition - some families stick with the plastic eggs that can be opened and stuffed with holiday goodies on the inside. But since both dyes and plastic eggs can have damaging effects on the environment (even if ever so slightly), we would like to encourage our readers to use an eco friendly method this year!

See below for a few eco friendly Easter egg ideas, courtesy of Eco Watch:

1. Felt Eggs: Put a twist on common Easter egg practices either by covering your eggs with left over felt you have from previous arts and crafts projects or by sewing felt together to make an egg shaped item by hand!

2. Carton Eggs: Since you'll be left with an empty egg carton regardless of what you do with what comes inside, why not use it to create even more? By cutting and combining the top and bottom pieces of your carton, you can create your own eggs that can be decorated with crayons, markers and more!

3. Crayon Eggs: Still looking for that tie-dye result? Grab a set of old crayons and melt them over your eggs! A natural blend of the colors you use will make your eggs look just as colorful as they would if you dyed them with other ingredients.

Aside from these three craft ideas, you may also even consider making your own natural dye from ingredients and objects around your home. But in the event that you aren't up to doing your own family experiment, the above three methods are a great way to get in the holiday spirit all whilst keeping the environment in mind.

How does your family plan to decorate eggs this Easter? Be sure to visit us on Facebook and share your creations with us!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Connect With Boro-Wide Recycling On Social Media

Boro-Wide Recycling Corp.
Maspeth, NY 718-416-1656

As far as we're concerned, there is no such thing as too many tips and an overload of information when it comes to recycling and waste management. Especially since "going green" is a trend that will never go out of style, there is always room to learn more about how you can improve your actions to make a difference for our planet. Are you hungry for more?

When you follow Boro-Wide Recycling on social media, you can rest assured knowing that you have everything you need to make smarter choices, develop better habits and overall become a more environmentally conscious individual. Check out the following links to learn where you can connect with us on the web:

Boro-Wide Recycling social media profiles

And aside from Facebook and Twitter, we also encourage you to subscribe to our blog. By entering your email address, you can receive an update every time we publish a new blog to our page. That way, you can definitely be sure that you have the latest recycling and eco-friendly news and tips as soon as they are available to you.

For more information about our recycling and waste management services and how we can help you with your efforts, please visit us on our website or contact us at (718) 416-1656 today.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Green Your Spring Cleaning With These Eco-Friendly Tips

Boro-Wide Recycling Corp.
Maspeth, NY 718-416-1656

Eco-friendly spring cleaning tips

Although our weather forecast suggests otherwise, tomorrow is officially the day when sunshine and warm temperatures are supposed to make their way in and be here to stay. And that only means one thing - time for spring cleaning! If you are like most homeowners, the next few weeks will likely consist of going through drawers, emptying cabinets and ultimately freshening up your home with your favorite spring scents. However, this often means turning to chemical-based products and engaging in other habits such as overloading your trash can - but not with these eco-friendly tips! Check out the following list for a few ways that you can green this year's spring cleaning routine:

1. Donate | If you went from room to room, we bet you could fill at least one garbage bag with items you no longer want or need. And chances are, your first instinct is to kick them to the curb with the rest of your weekly trash! This year, we encourage you to donate any old items when possible instead.

2. Go All Natural | While all purpose cleaners are great and can certainly get the job done, many of your typical cleaning products contain toxic chemicals that pose a threat to the environment and you and your family. To act a little greener, we recommend using all natural cleaners, or even products you have in your own home - you'd be surprised at what a little vinegar or baking soda can do!

3. Avoid Paper Towels | They're easy and convenient, but they also add up in landfills. Rather than go through a roll of paper towels like rapid fire when wiping down your furniture, consider using cloths that can be washed and reused.

4. Improve Air Quality | People often forget to think about indoor air quality when performing their spring cleaning. However, it is one of the best improvements you can make to your home! To get your air feeling fresh, consider placing plants in different rooms - what a great, natural way to clean things up!

5. Unplug | Let's face it, we all keep things plugged in even when we aren't using them - it's convenient! However, just because they are turned off does not mean that no energy is being used. As you go through each room of your home, we recommend unplugging as much as possible and keeping it that way until you absolutely need them.

What green initiatives will you take during your spring cleaning? Let us know by visiting us on Facebook or Twitter!

Boro Wide Recycling is a full service recycling and waste management provider. For more information on how we can help you with your recycling efforts, check us out at www.borowide.com or contact us at (718) 416-1656. 

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Ways To Celebrate St. Patrick's Day In New York

Boro-Wide Recycling Corp.
Maspeth, NY 718-416-1656

Everybody knows that St. Patrick's Day is a day where people of all ages come out to celebrate - even when they aren't Irish! In our last blog, we took an environmental approach and offered three ways that you could "go green" on the greenest holiday of the year. But today, we'd like to go a different route and offer a few holiday happenings around New York that you can consider if you're looking for ways to celebrate in style. Thanks to TimeOut New York, we put together the following list for you to take a look at if you're still interested in making plans:

St. Patrick's Day In Irish New York:
When: Saturday, March 14 - Sunday, March 15
Where: St. Paul's Chapel
What: Check out NYC's "Little Ireland" during this walking tour and learn how Irish immigrants contributed to our city's history.

Brooklyn St. Patrick's Day Parade:
When: Sunday, March 15
Where: Prospect Park
What: If you're not able to make it to the famous New York City St. Patrick's Day parade, check out the Brooklyn parade instead!

Annual St. Patrick's Day Open Day
When: Sunday, March 15
Where: Irish Arts Center
What: Join other holiday event goers at the Irish Arts Center and experience authentic Irish music, dances and more!

St. Patrick's Day Parade:
When: Tuesday, March 17
Where: Manhattan (Fifth Avenue)
What: If you haven't experienced it yet, check out the annual St. Patrick's Day parade in Manhattan, which travels from 44th street to 79th street on fifth avenue!

St. Patrick's Day At The Brooklyn Children's Museum:
When: Tuesday, March 17
Where: Brooklyn Children's Museum
What: Get the whole family in the holiday spirit by visiting the Brooklyn Children's Museum to make your own shamrocks, learn the story of St. Patrick and more!

For more information about each of these events, including times and costs, please click here.

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

How To Have A Green St. Patrick's Day

Boro-Wide Recycling Corp.
Maspeth, NY 718-416-1656

Tips for going green on St. Patrick's Day

Whether you are Irish or not, St. Patrick's Day is a day where almost everyone and everything can be found in green. From the clothes we wear to the foods we eat and the decorations we hang (and even possibly the budding of the leaves on our trees), shades of green are evident everywhere you turn on this day each year. And if you aren't already "greened" out just by thinking about it, did you know that this day can get even greener? Below are a few ways that you can continue to go green - and by green we mean eco-friendly - for St. Patrick's Day this year:
  1. Recycle Beverage Cans: It's no surprise that St. Patrick's Day celebrations are often accompanied by an array of different drinks, but that just means there is that much more to recycle! Whether you're having a party at home or celebrating out with friends, be sure to properly dispose of any beverage cans when you're done.
  2. Avoid Litter: If you plan to attend the St. Patrick's Day parade in NYC this year, make it a priority to seek out waste bins near where you plan to watch from. Although there might not be one in close proximity to you, the extra steps and effort are worth it.
  3. DIY: When it comes to your decorations and your outfit for the day, see how much you can do yourself before heading out to buy. By being creative, you can save money and the planet too!
Here at Boro Wide Recycling, we wish you all a very safe and happy St. Patrick's Day and encourage you to take the above tips with you wherever you go to celebrate. And if you have another way that you plan to amp up your 'green' factor this year, be sure to visit us on Facebook and Twitter to share it with us!

Boro Wide Recycling is a full service recycling and waste management provider. For more information on how we can help you with your recycling efforts, check us out at www.borowide.com or contact us at (718) 416-1656. 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

The Difference Between The Three Rs

Boro-Wide Recycling Corp.
Maspeth, NY 718-416-1656

Boro Wide Recycling, Maspeth NY, The Three Rs
Reduce, reuse, recycle. Three words, three ideas, three different meanings. Although when it comes to creating awareness about the environment these words are often used interchangeably, they are truly three different ideas that encompass their own definitions and contribute to environmental efforts in individual ways. Do you know the difference between the three? See below for a brief outline that describes what makes the three Rs their own -

Reduce - Reduce refers to the idea of 'using less.' When we reduce the amount of natural resources we use every day or reduce the number of harmful materials we buy and throw out, we are ultimately performing these actions at decreased rate.

Reuse - When we say reuse, we are referring to the action of using something again to serve another purpose. This action is sometimes referred to as "repurposing." By reusing materials and products, we take something and turn it into something different.

Recycle - Out of all three terms, recycle is likely the one that gets thrown around the most. In essence, recycle or recycling ultimately refers to the process that products go through to be broken down and made into something new. Although this resembles "reuse," it's important to remember that recycling is the actual process that happens before an item is reused in an entirely different shape and/or form.

Once you are familiar with each term on their own, it is easy to see how they are so closely related. By recycling, we are reusing, and by reusing, we are reducing. However, knowing each term on an individual basis can truly help you improve your waste management efforts.

Boro Wide Recycling is a full service recycling and waste management provider. For more information on how we can help you with your recycling efforts, check us out atwww.borowide.com or contact us at (718) 416-1656. 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Tips For Recycling Plastic Bottles

Boro-Wide Recycling Corp.
Maspeth, NY 718-416-1656

Boro Wide Recycling, Queens NY, Plastic Recycling
When you think about the materials you use each and every day, we bet plastic is at the top of your list (or close to it). Between using water bottles to stay hydrated, plastic sandwich bags for your lunch and grocery bags alone, plastic is a popular consumer good that all too often winds up in the wrong place. Do you recycle all of the plastic in your home?

Since the list of plastic materials can go on and on, today, we'd like to focus solely on plastic bottles. Below are a few tips that you can use to help you become a better plastic recycler -

  1. Always start by checking what number plastic your bottle is. Since there are different types of plastic out there, and since each has their own rules and regulations when it comes to recycling, you'll want to be sure that what you plan to recycle is accepted at your local recycling facility.
  2. Once you've figured out what type of plastic your bottle is made from, the next step should be preparing it for recycling. That means rinsing the bottle to make sure there is no residue left over from what was inside and removing labels/caps when necessary.
  3. Seek out recyclable plastic products when shopping - again, this comes back to knowing the number of your products and understanding what can be recycled by your waste management team. If you continue to choose products that cannot be processed by your facility, you will continue to contribute to landfills.
So what can we learn from all of this? As one of New York's recycling and waste management teams, we hope you'll take away how important it is to know and understand which items can be recycled and where. That way, you can make better choices when purchasing products and dispose of them properly. 

Do you still have questions about recycling plastic bottles or plastic in general? If so, visit us on Facebook and Twitter to ask us today!

Boro Wide Recycling is a full service recycling and waste management provider. For more information on how we can help you with your recycling efforts, check us out atwww.borowide.com or contact us at (718) 416-1656.