Tuesday, August 14, 2012

New York Kids Get a Lesson on Recycling!

Maspeth, NY 718-416-1656 

New York is always an innovator and always looking for the newest way to do things.  Sims Municipal Recycling, a New York City contractor that handles curbside pickup o metal, glass and plastic recyclables in the city, which has developed the Recylarium, funded by the Sanitation Department.  The Recylarium is a trailer that has been transformed into a mobile education center for children.  It will travel from school to school education children about the importance of conserving our resources, to preserve our future. 

Although the main focus of the Recylarium is to teach children, it is also functions as a research center to find out what kids respond to and apply it to advertising and educational games that they enjoy in the comfort of their own homes.  It contains exhibits that educate the student about what each recyclable is composed of and how those components can be reused, also which items can be recycled curb-side and what has to be taken to a designated location.  The Recylarium intersects nicely with Sims new recycling facility, currently under development at the South Brooklyn Marine Terminal, as the facility will include classroom space where New York schoolchildren will also gain first-hand experience with the recycling process.

The Department of Education is on board with this effort and working together to develop a curriculum where students will learn about the importance of recycling in the class room as well as hands on field trips.  Getting our youth excited about recycling at a young age is one way to ensure that the next generation has a better handle on reducing waste, preserving resources and ultimately benefiting our society as a whole.  

What do you think about The Recyclarium? Let us know your thoughts on our Facebook page, linked HERE

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