Thursday, June 20, 2013

NYC May Force Residents to Compost Food Scraps

Boro-Wide Recycling Corp.
Maspeth, NY 718-416-1656

Recycling advocates gained a big supporter in New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, when he publicly urged residents of his city to start composting their food scraps.  This is a concept that the Twin Cities has been working on as well.  Right now only a few cities offer to pick up food scraps for composting, but there are pilot programs out there and interest is growing.  New York is launching a composting program that will expand later this year in an effort to make the city greener and reduce the waste.  The program was tested first, in 3,500 Staten Island homes and some Manhattan apartment buildings.  The test was quite successful leading those in-charge to expand the program to over 100,000 homes by this fall. 
As of now, the program is still voluntary but this may change in the next few years.  This implication is leaving many New Yorkers weary of the project, with the main concern being how expensive the fine for not composting would be.  New York is known for being one of the busiest cities in America. 

Almost everyone is always on the go, which is why composting may become a concern for these busy citizens.  It is all an effort to make our environment as healthy as it can be, so fines may be the only way to keep this program successful.  We will have to wait and see if the program becomes mandatory. 

Boro-Wide Recycling strongly encourages you to recycle as much as you can to keep our planet safe and clean! For more information, visit us on the web

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