Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The 3 Rs of Recycling

Boro-Wide Recycling Corp.
Maspeth, NY 718-416-1656
The Three Rs of recycling include reduce, reuse and recycle.  All three are important to keeping our community clean and efficient.  If we can utilize each of these guidelines we can successfully reduce our carbon footprint and keep our environment healthy.
Reducing the amount of waste we create each day just takes a little practice and premeditated decisions.  We need to stop and consciously think about the products that we buy and how much waste they will produce.  

We can use alternatives to  most of the disposable products we use each day, like paper napkins for example can be replaced with cloth napkins that can be washed.  Reuse, is another important action in the effort to stay environmentally conscious.  Don't be so quick to throw things out, many items like plastic bags and containers can be reused multiple times.  Finally remember to examine your garbage, there could be many items that can be recycled and made into new products.  Recycling helps our planet a lot by conserving energy, saving landfill space and preserving valuable resources.  Many companies like Boro-Wide Recycling Corp. will provide same day pick-up services and recycle your waste for you.  One of the most popular new trends in recycling has become repurposing old items.  The internet is full of ideas for repurposing almost anything you can think of.  Repurposing is quickly becoming the 4th R and should be practiced by everyone to save our environment and even save you some money! 
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