Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Eco-Friendly Activities To Keep Your Kids Busy During Winter Break

Boro-Wide Recycling Corp.
Maspeth, NY 718-416-1656

It's winter break and while the kids are bouncing off the wall with excitement, parents can feel a little overwhelmed and desperate for activities to keep them busy. The following activities are fun ways to keep your children occupied while strengthening family bonds. Furthermore, these engaging crafts have eco-friendly benefits. Check out the following:
  • Create a board game and pieces using old cereal boxes or shoe boxes. Use cereal bites as the pieces and eat them when you're finished!
  • Create puzzles using old boxes. Draw on the blank side of the box, then cut out the pieces.
  • Gather old holiday decorations that would otherwise be going in the trash and let your kids decorate their rooms.  This allows them to channel their inner creativity and is a great way to use that old wrapping paper, lights, or tissue paper!
  • Start a band! Fill old soda bottles with rocks and pebbles, turn pizza boxes into banjos and tin cans into drums. It will keep the kids busy and even give you parents a nice break. Ask them to put on a show for you while you enjoy some down time on the couch.
For more activities to keep your little ones busy during winter break, click here.

Boro-Wide Recycling is working to help keep our planet safe by providing comprehensive recycling services to commercial and residential customers.  Join us in our efforts!  Contact us to learn how we can help you in your recycling efforts.  Don't forget to Like us on Facebook and FOLLOW us on Twitter to keep up with the latest news in recycling efforts and eco-friendly tips.