Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Impact of K-Cup Coffee On The Environment

Boro-Wide Recycling Corp.
Maspeth, NY 718-416-1656
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
With coffee being such a staple in many people's lives, it's no surprise that a lot of us have turned to products like the K-Cup in order to brew our own coffee at home or in the office. Designed specifically for the Keurig, K-Cups are coffee containers that hold one-serving's worth of coffee that can be brewed with the click of a button. Each cup is made out of plastic, includes a small filter inside, and is topped with a foil lid. Though they may seem harmless, recent studies show that the coffee lover's best friend is having a draining effect on the environment that surrounds us.

While the Keurig and K-Cups are convenient and easy to use, environmentalists debate that their single-use, non-recyclable nature is negatively impacting our planet as too much waste is being sent to landfills. Although the plastic, paper and foil from the K-Cup can be recycled on their own, the combination of products along with their small size proves to be too difficult for recycling facilities to sort. Therefore, the only option is to throw out the K-Cup after use.

Statistics show that each pound of coffee sends 50 K-Cups to landfills, and since more than 15 million homes and offices use a Keurig, billions of K-Cups are sent to landfills every year. In order to manage the amount of waste that results from K-Cups, Keurig Green Mountain has taken several preliminary steps to reduce the amount of K-Cups that are wrongly disposed of. In 2011, they launched their eco-friendly program Grounds to Grow On, and they hope to make all K-Cups 100% recyclable by 2020.

For more information on the K-Cup and their environmental impact, click here.  

At Boro Wide Recycling, we work to keep our planet safe by providing comprehensive recycling services to commercial and residential customers. Join us in our efforts! Contact us to learn how we can help you in your recycling efforts, and don't forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter to stay up to date with the latest news in recycling efforts and eco-friendly tips.

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