Monday, December 30, 2013

Break Bad Habits In The New Year!

Boro-Wide Recycling Corp.
Maspeth, NY 718-416-1656

The New Year is the perfect time to start fresh and make a change.  This year, make a resolution that will not only better yourself, but the Earth as well.  Check out these 5 tips to break bad habits, become a better you, and save our planet:

1: Quit Smoking.  Smoking is a dangerous habit that causes harm to you, those surrounding you, and the environment.  By reducing the number of cigarettes you smoke, or cutting them out of your life completely, you are creating cleaner air to breathe and decreasing the number of cigarette butts polluting the outdoors.  If cleaner air and a longer life is not reason enough to quit, think of all the money you'll save!

2: Clean Out Your Closet. The New Year is the perfect time to de-clutter your life, including your closet! Clutter not only makes it difficult for you to find the shirt you want to wear on Friday, it also blocks air flow, causing mold, dust, mildew and bacteria.  None of which are good for the environment.  Donating your clothes is a great way to get rid of those items you didn't even know you had and will make you feel good for helping others. 

3: Exercise. Do you really need to drive your car down the block to pick up milk from the store? Reduce the amount of time you spend in the car by walking, biking, or rollerblading to nearby destinations.  This will benefit you in more ways than one! The exercise is great for those who also have "lose weight" on their list of resolutions.  Also, you will save money on gas and reduce the amount of toxins in the environment.  That's a win for everyone!

4: Watch What You Eat.  Choose healthy, more natural foods.  Your local food market is sure to have the freshest ingredients needed for a healthier you! When you go shopping, remember to bring your own reusable bags.  Many grocery stores reward you and your green efforts by giving you discounts! Did you over-shop for the holidays and now have too much food? Donate leftover cans and uncooked foods to shelters or food drives.  They will appreciate the generosity and you can feel good about giving someone a nutritious meal!

5: Get The Most Out Of Life! Don't let life pass you by while you're sitting on the couch watching pointless television.  Get out and enjoy nature.  Inhale the air (which is now cleaner, thanks to you), run around, keep your home looking nice with some gardening and home maintenance.  The New Year has brought a new you! Make the most of every situation, keeping these tips in mind! We guarantee you'll be feeling great!

Contact Boro-Wide to learn how we can assist you in all of your recycling and waste disposing needs.  Don't forget to Like us on Facebook and FOLLOW us on Twitter for more recycling tips!