Monday, January 6, 2014

Eco-Friendly Home Improvement Tips

Boro-Wide Recycling Corp.
Maspeth, NY 718-416-1656
Most of the people you know have probably made "get fit" or "lose weight" their new year's resolution.  While we think it's great to better your body, we think it's even better to better your home! 

Your home is your sanctuary.  It is your escape from the noise of the outside world.  Many of us neglect it or fail to keep up with the maintenance.  It's time for a change!  You've already made an effort to go green over the holidays, now extend that to the new year.  Check out these great tips for improving your home the eco-friendly way!

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Change your light bulbs. Compact fluorescent bulbs consume 75% less electricity than that of an incandescent bulb and lasts up to 10 times longer.  These bulbs not only save you money, they also save energy!  Unlike the incandescent bulbs, CFLs convert the energy they use into light, not heat. 

Unplug electronics.  LED devices, such as televisions, continue to glow after you shut them off, thus power is still being used which you are paying for.  Leaving your cell phone charger, printer or other devices plugged in after being used results in an unnecessary cost.  Before leaving a room, unplug your devices!

Fix the drip. A drippy faucet can waste up to 74 gallons per day, and a leaky toilet can waste up to 200! By repairing your leaks, you can save money and help prevent a water shortage across the country.

Replace appliances.  If it's time to replace your appliances, be sure to look at the labels!  Choose products with an Energy Star label.  This guarantees the products are energy efficient and can help you save money on energy bills. 

For more tips on how you can improve your home the eco-friendly way, click here!

Boro-Wide Recycling offers comprehensive recycling and waste management services to residential and commercial customers.  Contact us to learn how we can help you in all your recycling needs.  Don't forget to Like us on Facebook and FOLLOW us on Twitter for more eco-friendly tips.