Thursday, January 9, 2014

30 Easy Ways To De-Clutter Your Home

Boro-Wide Recycling Corp.
Maspeth, NY 718-416-1656

There's no time like the present to finally begin some of the projects you've long been procrastinating.  Need an extra boost of motivation? Make it your New Year's resolution! January is a clean slate, so leave your lazy habits in 2013 and embrace the new, more enthused you!

We can't think of a project we put off more than de-cluttering our home.  The thought alone is unnerving.  To help ease the pain, we've gathered 30 tips that will guarantee your home will be clutter free in one short month!
  1. Set a date.  Schedule a day and time every week where you can get things in order.
  2. Pick a target.  Choose the area of your home that needs the most work.
  3. Visualize the final product.  Keep your eye on the prize.
  4. Dispose of items that are no longer useful.  No you're overalls will not be making a "come-back".
  5. Divide and conquer.  Keep 3 bins handy: 1 for laundry, 1 for donations, and 1 for trash/recycling.
  6. Group like items. Sometimes we lose track of how many of the same items we actually have because they are scattered everywhere.  Grouping them will help you see what you're really dealing with.
  7. Examine your groups.  No one needs 50 pairs of pants.  Pick your favorites and donate the rest.
  8. Create themes for your space.  Categorize your items.
  9. Make the most of your space. Use adjustable shelves or stack items.
  10. Pick things up off the floor.
  11. Use containers to eliminate unnecessary piles of papers.
  12. Color coordinate your closet.
  13. Use warm, overhead lighting to brighten a room.
  14. Store items close to where you will be using them.  For example, keep your pots stored near your stove. 
  15. Label everything.
  16. Store your valuable items in a safe box.
  17. Store towels in your bathroom.  No more worrying about running down the hall to get one out of the linen closet!
  18. Get the family involved. 
  19. Make sure every room has a waste basket.
  20. Go through your closet at the end of every season. 
  21. Unsubscribe from magazines that you no longer read.
  22. Check expiration dates.
  23. De-clutter your bathroom countertop with storage baskets.
  24. Don't let old newspapers and magazines linger.  Recycle immediately.
  25. Get rid of hotel shampoos. 
  26. Recycle junk mail.
  27. Keep a file draw for current papers.
  28. Each time you leave a room, pick something up to throw away.
  29. Put everything in its' place the minute you walk through the door.  Hang your coat, don't throw it on a chair where it will likely stay until the next morning.
  30. Use clear bins for storage, allowing you to identify what's inside.
Boro-Wide offers comprehensive recycling services for commercial and residential customers.  Contact us for more information on how we can be of service to you.  Don't forget to Like us on Facebook and FOLLOW us on Twitter for more recycling tips.