Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Compost Islands for New York City

Boro-Wide Recycling Corp.
Maspeth, NY 718-416-1656
Every year, New Yorkers are responsible for producing more than 14 million tons of trash. But did you know that approximately 29% of the trash that is sent to landfills is actually eligible for composting? In order to manage this waste more effectively, architects at PRESENT Architecture have designed a plan to direct any compostable material away from landfills and onto what will be known as compost islands.

This project, also known as Green Loop, seeks to turn the city's compostable waste into multi-purpose islands around each of the five boroughs. Rather than have sanitation trucks bring our city's organic waste to landfills with the rest of our trash, Green Loop intends to have the waste brought to 10 multi-layered tipping and composting stations that will be built just offshore. Overall, the project hopes to serve as a solution for curbing pollution, eliminate unwanted city odors, and provide more than 125 new acres of park land to the city. On top of the composting facilities, elevated recreational parks that can be used for gardening and sports will be implemented.

Although the projected plan comes with a hefty price tag attached, project leaders Evan Erlebacher and Andre Guimond suggest that over time Green Loop will make sense financially since NYC already spends over $300 million a year to bring waste out of the city to landfills. 

For more information about Green Loop, click here.

At Boro Wide Recycling, we work to keep our planet safe by providing comprehensive recycling services to commercial and residential customers. Join us in our efforts! Contact us to learn how we can help you in your recycling efforts, and don't forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter to stay up to date with the latest news in recycling efforts and eco-friendly tips.

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