Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Surprising Things You Shouldn't Recycle

Boro-Wide Recycling Corp.
Maspeth, NY 718-416-1656

Image courtesy of
anankkml / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
We all know recycling is important to help the environment, but it's even more important to know how to recycle correctly. Often, items we believe to be recyclables but are not get thrown into the bin, which could actually cause more harm to the world we live in. To make your recycling efforts more effective, we've compiled a list of surprising items you should not recycle: 
  1. Coated Materials: Research suggests that 73 percent of people believe they can recycle juice boxes, but quite the opposite is true. Household items like juice boxes, chip bags, frozen food boxes, and any other materials with plastic, glossy, or shiny coatings are not considered recyclables. 
  2. Food-Stained Materials: Items like pizza boxes, used paper plates, napkins, paper towels, and jars with food remnants do not belong in the recycling bin. While these materials are recyclable, once they are contaminated with food they are not. In fact, grease and other elements in food can harm the recycling process and even damage recycling machines. 
  3. Lids and Caps: A common recycling mistake is leaving the cap on your water bottle before throwing it in the recycling bin. While the bottle can be recycled, the cap is made from a different kind of plastic that needs to be recycled separately. This also holds true for laundry-detergent caps, peanut-butter lids, and any plastic labeled as No. 5. 
  4. Paper: Although a sheet a paper can be recycled up to five or six times, shredded paper is difficult to recycle. Brightly colored paper can also pose a problem and could even ruin an entire batch of recycling paper. 
  5. Plastic Grocery Bags: Plastic grocery bags are harmful to recycling equipment because they are likely to wrap around the machinery. Head to your local grocery store to find out if they have a special recycling program for plastic bags and dispose of them there. 
  6. Cosmetics: Cosmetics cannot be processed with the rest of your recyclables because they are made up of so many elements. Fortunately, many cosmetic companies offer recycling services for any type of makeup regardless of the brand. 
  7. Special Recyclables: Items like batteries, CFL bulbs, cell phones, and print cartridges can be recycled but they need to be disposed of properly. In order to prevent potential hazardous materials or chemicals from entering the environment, wrap these items up and place them in a specially labeled bin designated by your local recycling service.
Before you place something in the recycling bin, make sure it's okay for it to be there. Knowing which materials can be recycled and where can go a long way, so up your efforts and help make a difference today!

At Boro Wide Recycling, we work to keep our planet safe by providing comprehensive recycling services to commercial and residential customers. Join us in our efforts! Contact us to learn how we can help you in your recycling efforts, and don't forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter to stay up to date with the latest news in recycling efforts and eco-friendly tips.

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