Tuesday, April 14, 2015

How To Go Green In Your Basement

Boro-Wide Recycling Corp.
Maspeth, NY 718-416-1656

We're back once again with the latest installment of our green your home series! Recently we've covered the kitchen, the bathroom and the bedroom - can you guess what's next? If you said the basement, you're spot on! See below for five ways that you can make your basement as environmentally friendly as any other room in the home:

How to go green in your basement by Boro Wide Recycling
  1. If your washer and dryer is located on the bottom floor, start greening your basement by only doing laundry when you have a full load of clothes to be washed (similar to how you would with your dishwasher). And when it does come time to turn these appliances on, be sure that you're using the correct water and load size settings.
  2. Also in regards to your washer and dryer, upgrade your basement appliances to new products that have the Energy Star label! Products of this kind are much more energy efficient and can help you reduce the amount of water you use during each cycle!
  3. Fix any leaks that could be causing water to seep into your basement. When water sits it can encourage mold to grow, and we all know that has a negative impact on the environment and our health! Furthermore, leaks in general are a waste of water, so you'll want to take care of those as soon as possible!
  4. Keep a dehumidifier running to regulate the humidity in your home. If there is less humidity it will begin to feel cooler (especially as we are approaching the summer months), which can help limit how hard your A/C has to work - what an easy way to save some energy!
  5. Basements are prone to collecting hazardous materials, such as paints and cleaners, that no longer serve a purpose. If your basement has several of these products collecting dust, research your local community's waste policies to find out where you can bring them for disposal!
Although you may not use your basement too often, it's still important to maintain it and apply eco-friendly practices to it at all times. Which of the above will you do first?

Boro Wide Recycling is a full service recycling and waste management provider. For more information on how we can help you with your recycling efforts, check us out at www.borowide.com or contact us at (718) 416-1656.

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