Thursday, April 23, 2015

Make Every Day Green In NYC

Boro-Wide Recycling Corp.
Maspeth, NY 718-416-1656

Keep up the green work! Just because Earth Day has passed doesn't mean you shouldn't continue to do your part to sustain a happy and healthy environment. Here are a few great tips that we compiled to help you celebrate Earth Day all year round!

Ride A Bike: Not only does bike riding help keep you physically fit, but it does wonders for the environment as well! Leave your fuel-burning car parked in the driveway and hop on your fuel-free, self-powered alternative mode of transportation. Yes, we know that for some, a morning bicycle commute to work is a lot to ask, but what about those weekend trips to see friends or visit the grocery store? Even riding your bike once a week (though we hope you choose to ride more often!) will make an impact on the environment.

Eat Local: On the same wavelength as bike riding, eating local helps cut down on air pollution. How, you ask? By eating local you're purchasing from local farmers, so your food has a shorter distance to travel from the farm to your supermarket, and eventually to your plate. (Bonus points if you pick it up on your bike!) Short travel distances mean less time on a tractor-trailer that’s emitting fumes during the entire voyage.

Replace The Plastic: Plastic is not biodegradable, and therefore will never break down. Instead of grabbing that store-bought bottle of water before work every morning, invest in a reusable water bottle and leave it at your desk. That way, you can refill and re-fuel all day long, at no expense to the environment!

Improve Your Green Thumb: Fill those tree beds, liven up your front yard, or start a vegetable and herb garden in a window box. Why? Plants absorb carbon dioxide and toxins in the air and give off oxygen instead. The more plants on earth, the better!

Follow these four simple steps to help keep our environment green, and always remember to reduce, reuse and recycle!

Do you have a great tip to help make every day a little greener?  Share your tip with us on Facebook or in the comments section below.

Boro-Wide Recycling is a full service recycling and waste management provider. For more information on how we can help you with your recycling efforts, check us out at or contact us at 718-416-1656.

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