Thursday, May 14, 2015

Five Ways To Recycle In Your Garden

Boro-Wide Recycling Corp.
Maspeth, NY 718-416-1656

Spring has finally sprung, and that means that many homeowners are making room in their schedule to head outdoors and liven up their garden. But aside from positioning flower pots and digging up the dirt to plant popular seasonal flowers, there is so much more that one can do with their garden - especially when they take the time to collect old household items that they no longer use.

Ways to recycle in your gardenIf you have plans to work on your outdoor space sometime soon, see below for a few ways that you can add some pizzazz to your yard by completing one of these recycling activities:

Mason Jar Pots: Has it always been your dream to have a home with a country feel? If you have old mason jars at home that you're not sure what to do with, consider turning them into pots for small plants! It's easy - just fill them to the top with dirt and input your seeds. Since these are relatively small, they can make for a great centerpiece on your outdoor patio furniture!

Wine Vine: Vine plants such as morning glories are beautiful once they are in full bloom, but what if you don't have ample space for them to climb and grow? Should your backyard not currently be equipped for flowers such as these, make your own "tree" by using old wine bottles as the branches. Then, plant your seeds below and watch your vines wrap around the bottles as they grow tall!

Watering Spray Can: How many store bought cleaners do you have sitting at home that have just a drop left? Once you've used up all of the liquid that's inside, re-purpose the bottles to be your newest watering can! Especially for those smaller plants and flowers that you don't want to soak, a slight misting here and there from your new spray bottle can be just the right amount of water that they need.

Seed Packet Decor: By the time you're done planting we wouldn't be surprised if you have a pile of empty seed packets by your side - but don't throw them out just yet! Aside from traditional garden gnomes and the like, you can create your own garden decor with your empty packaging! Check out this example from Birds & Blooms for some inspiration.

Soda Bottle Flowers: You can never have too many flowers in your garden - real or not! As we approach the time of year where many backyard BBQs may be taking place (for Memorial Day, the 4th of July and graduation parties, for example), you may wind up with several empty soda bottles that would otherwise end up in the recycling bin. Instead, however, we encourage you to turn them into DIY flowers that you can add to your garden collection! Here's how.

So, which of these activities will you use for your yard? Once your garden is complete, be sure to visit us on Facebook and Twitter to share your pictures with us!

Boro-Wide Recycling is a full service recycling and waste management provider. For more information on how we can help you with your recycling efforts, check us out at or contact us at 718-416-1656.

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