Thursday, May 28, 2015

How To Save Energy In The Summer

Boro-Wide Recycling Corp.
Maspeth, NY 718-416-1656

Tips to save energy during the summer
With the weather warming up, we bet that many homeowners are starting to come up with ways that they plan to keep cool this summer. However, most likely, that means tuning up the trusted A/C to ensure that it's ready to roll when needed. But being the major appliance that it is, an air conditioner is often the culprit when it comes to high utility bills during the summer season - that's because it consumes so much energy and requires tons of electrical power to get moving!

Since our goal is to consistently educate our readers on ways that they can go green and help our planet, today we're offering a few tips on how to save the valuable resource of energy over the next few months:
  1. On cool nights, open the windows to let in fresh air rather than keep your A/C running. Then, as soon as you wake up, work to keep the cool air in for the morning by shutting the windows before it escapes so that you don't need to turn on your cooling unit too early.
  2. Set your thermostat as high as possible (while maintaining comfort, of course). This way, even if it's not totally frigid in your home, you can still keep cool while letting your air conditioner take a bit of a rest.
  3. If you have ceiling fans in your home, use them to your advantage so that you can raise your thermostats' temperature - did you know that you can raise the setting by about 4 degrees when using a ceiling fan? Not to mention, ceiling fans can help cool your home on their own too!
  4. Schedule an appointment with an air conditioning expert to ensure that your system is running as efficiently as it should. Routine maintenance is key to keep an A/C performing properly, and when there is a lack of it, your system could wind up drawing more energy to pump out the cool air.
  5. Avoid using appliances like your oven on days where temperatures are high. Since appliances such as these give off heat of their own, they will naturally make your home warmer and therefore cause your air conditioner to have to work harder.
By making even just the slightest adjustments to the habits you fall into during the summer season, you can start to minimize the amount of energy your home consumes and therefore, conserve the resource that is so important to our planet. What steps will you take first? Visit us on Facebook and Twitter to let us know!

Boro-Wide Recycling is a full service recycling and waste management provider. For more information on how we can help you with your recycling efforts, check us out at or contact us at 718-416-1656.

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