Tuesday, May 19, 2015

How To Host A Green Memorial Day BBQ

Boro-Wide Recycling Corp.
Maspeth, NY 718-416-1656

Tips for hosting an eco-friendly Memorial Day BBQ
'Tis the season of backyard barbecues! With Memorial Day approaching rather quickly, we wouldn't be surprised if you're gearing up to have friends and family over for a BBQ of your own during the much anticipated long weekend many of us have coming up. But before you get too into the planning process, we hope that you'll take the time to make smart decisions so that your get together is a green one. If, however, you aren't sure how to move forward with this approach, no need to worry - we've got you covered! Just follow the tips below:
  1. Avoid plastic and paper goods and opt for reusable silverware and place settings instead. Though you may add a few minutes onto your cleanup time, steering clear of disposable products is a must when it comes to eco-friendly efforts.
  2. Pour beverages into large pitchers that guests can serve themselves from rather than buy individual serving sized cans. And just to bounce off of tip number 1, have guests label their cups if disposable products are being used so that they don't wind up with more than one.
  3. If you have the option or are planning to buy a new one before the big day, choose gas grills over charcoal. These appliances run much more efficiently and are considered to be cleaner since they release less pollutants into the air.
  4. Make recycling bins accessible to all of your guests and set your disposal standards ahead of time. By making guests aware of your eco-friendly efforts and letting them know what is expected from them when it comes time to dispose of their party waste, you can work to reduce the chances that your garbage will be filled with recyclable items by the end of the night.
  5. When purchasing food, seek out the organic and locally grown products. Although locally grown doesn't necessarily mean organic for those particular items, they likely possess more eco-friendly characteristics such as being free of pesticides.
As a bonus tip, we also absolutely encourage you to encourage your guests to carpool, walk or bike to your Memorial Day BBQ if possible. Even if you have a large amount of parking available on your street, the less cars that come to the party, the better!

So, what do your Memorial Day plans look like? Even if you won't be hosting a party but will rather be attending one, we hope you'll keep these tips in mind to help your host get ready too!

Boro-Wide Recycling is a full service recycling and waste management provider. For more information on how we can help you with your recycling efforts, check us out at www.borowide.com or contact us at 718-416-1656.

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